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Whether you're starting from scratch or have been in business for years you'll benefit from working with Beckingtons advice on how to take you to the next level.


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Business Healthcheck

How healthy is your business?

Our Business Healthcheck service is designed to identify the health of your business to produce a list of recommended areas where there is opportunity for improvement.

The healthcheck can help with...

  • Producing a valuation of your business
  • Reviewing the management information systems and reports used
  • Goal setting and how you measure where you are against those goals
  • Identifying the blocks that are stopping you from getting where you want to be
  • Benchmarking against other businesses in your industry - do you know how you compare to the best and the average in your industry
  • Helping you with working ON your business as opposed to IN it
  • Development of key performance indicators
  • Review of marketing strategy, USP's, customer service levels to assist with business growth
  • Pricing strategy review
  • Review of systems to identify cash flow needs
  • Review of systems to develop the potential of your team
  • Review of disaster recovery planning - death, loss of key personnel, fire, computer failure, etc

Next Step:

Please contact us if you need further advice, have any questions about our services, or would like a free consultation or a fixed quote.

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